
No more fun? – No thanks!


The international competition Humour / Satire brings films from all over the world to the screen that illuminate very different facets of the genre. Whether black humour or romantic comedy, social satire or action comedy, at the Filmfest comedy can be laconic, absurd or light, tragic or feel good, it can scratch (taste) boundaries or simply make you laugh. Humour unexpectedly opens up new doors and possibilities between people, because in many places explosive topics can only be addressed through the comedic mouthpiece. Tragedy and comedy are often very close to each other and laughter is all the more liberating. Laughter is also a form of communication that knows no linguistic barriers, which is why this competition is particularly close to our hearts.


From over 320 submissions, our 14-member viewing committee selected 21 short and medium-length films as well as seven feature films to compete for the following prizes:




Best Feature Film
(45 minutes or more), endowed with 5,000 EUR,

donated by the Senator for Economics, Labour and Europe


Best Medium-Length Film
(15 to 45 minutes), endowed with 2,500 EUR,

sponsored by the Senator for Economics, Labour and Europe


Best Short Film
(up to 15 minutes), endowed with 1,500 EUR,

donated by the Senator for Economics, Labour and Europe


Our expert jury will award the winning films on March 23 2025 at 11 a.m. at Kleines Haus of Theater Bremen.


… will be announced here soon.

Nominated Films

… will be announced soon.

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